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07/19/18 7:36 AM

#39130 RE: gatesoft55 #39129

Back in the day the company that I worked for was taken over by 2 companies in the same industry. At first it went back and forth with offers from each one better than the next then they called a truce and teamed up. At some point in the process the shareholders had to commit X number of shares to further the process. (When one would pull out the share price would drop, then jump up, yadda yadda.) Some shareholders said no and held out, some committed all of their shares. I committed 50 percent to further it along. As it turns out in the end those that held out did the best but without the commitments of some I don't think it would have worked out the same. So whatever, if an offer comes down pike I'd be willing to do the same thing here and commit 50 percent for the "sure thing".

Xster fun to think about, but hey we could be wrong, Lebby and Leonberger may not know anything about this technology, the market, the demands, the needs and the current roadblocks or as Lebby calls them "The Purple Brick Walls"

Micheal n Fred "Tear down that wall"


terry hallinan

07/19/18 8:06 AM

#39131 RE: gatesoft55 #39129

in the end LWLG will be taken out.

Only if Lebby is a sellout and he doesn't appear that way to me.

I doubt even today an Intel [would even Trump allow LWLG to be sold to "enemy" Canadians?], an IBM, MSFT, maybe even AMZN would easily let LWLG be sold to a competitor?

What about Sinopec?

BEIJING (Reuters) - Sinopec Group has launched a 10 billion yuan ($1.48 billion)investment firm in China’s new economic zone of Xiongan to fund new energy, green products and artificial intelligence, the company said on Thursday.

The new investment arm, Sinopec Capital Co Ltd, is one of the first state-run entities to be based in Xiongan, Sinopec said.

The Xiongan New Area in Hebei province was launched in April 2017 by President Xi Jinping and is part of a state-driven campaign to integrate the economy of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and ease congestion and pollution pressures in the Chinese capital.

That sure would clean up a lot of polluted air in Silicon Valley and Colorado and even Putin might get concerned.

Do some folks ever think about what they are proposing?

LWLG will truly disrupt like few other business enterprises in my opinion. People, and especially megagiant corporation management, really hate being disrupted unless they are the disruptors.

Best, Terry


07/19/18 9:16 AM

#39140 RE: gatesoft55 #39129

Yes we will be taken out with our Golden Goose by the big boys because we are too small to grow the company in house.

Of course when you have something that the world wants and needs that is potentially worth many many billions of profitable dollars you can not control your own destiny the same way Gates, Musk, Zukerberg, Jobs, Pichai and the richest man in the world Bezos all had to sell out their Golden Geese.

I mean after holding this stock for 14+ years where I like many true long-term shareholder here could have taken this money and made tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in conservative funds would all vote to sell the company way early. Games will be played, but hard to tell whom is really playing them?