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07/18/18 5:36 PM

#140165 RE: JG36 #140161

It stinks to high heaven for these reasons:

1) Vivian Boniuk was the first investor in NNVC,

2) Her brother invested millions of NNVC,

3) Vivian Boniuk hasn't the expertise or training to run laboratory studies on animals, so there's the fraud part of this story.

Seymour could have contracted any independent and qualified professional *scientist* to run the studies. Instead he chose an unqualified *clinician*, with emotional, financial, and family biases to run the studies. And she accepted.

Vivian Boniuk has been a clinician for her entire life. Her entire training in the lab consists of a few weeks of a student rotation she did 50 years ago during one summer in medical school. (which Seymour proudly touted as being her major scientific qualifications for running animal experiments).

I think people tend to not understand the difference between what an MD is trained to do, versus what a scientist is trained to do, which is why this bullshit scenario sat well with investors.

That her bother ended up getting screwed 13 years later has nothing to do with Seymour's and Vivian's intent at the time to bamboozle investors into believing these were meaningful studies.