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07/18/18 1:46 PM

#157388 RE: Tomas8 #157387

The problem he has is that he will do anything to avoid a "disagreements with Auditor letter", without which his chance of getting an audit becomes somewhat nil.

IMO Roger is desperate to hide something and has trapped himself in his own BS.

Maybe we will see, maybe not.

I just wish he would at least finish the 2015 audit. It's really beyond me why he can't get that one out. The only thing that happened was the deal with Ambrose.

Oh wait!

Lucky Cannon

07/18/18 2:03 PM

#157390 RE: Tomas8 #157387

He may be too concentrated with his second mortgage to be reading all the haters and cheerleaders here. ;) I hope he has better things to do than read this crap. God lets hope. Oh god...why do i get the feeling he reads this.



07/18/18 2:46 PM

#157416 RE: Tomas8 #157387

Nice post Tomas I know a lot of us longs feels the same way...


07/18/18 2:56 PM

#157422 RE: Tomas8 #157387

Do You also see a problem with the rising Financials too?

Financials over the last 4 years fiscal year ended June 30th.


2018=11,653,872* does not include 4th Q.

Gross Profits

2018=4,010,107 * does not include 4th @

300M shares were taken off the AS in 2018 leaving 600M

Outstanding shares though quarter 3 = 479,253,160

Not only is the company growing and will easily double 2107 revenues in 2018 they took 300M off the table. No toxic debt either.

Growth + no toxic debt+ decrease in AS+ pps of 2-3 times revenue's= Undervalued long term Monster.

Compliments of CT Investor[Egold]

Now is the time to buy more shares.

You snooze...You lose!!