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ergo sum

10/25/06 11:13 PM

#1159 RE: ergo sum #1158

The Bishop was on the phone almost immediately checking with his Florentine bankers, threatening once more that he would move his money to Milan or back to Rome if he received no satisfaction in these matters. Lorenzo pleaded with him to calm down, reassuring him time and again that everything covered and everything was fine. A small unfortunate loss now would mean nothing at all in the bigger game.

Out in the Desert of Misunderstandings the caravan had come to a halt near the Spring of the Examinations. Much needed water was taken from the spring and a lamb was slaughtered in thanks to the jinn of the spring.
“Why are we halted?”
“We have merely stopped because we wanted to.”
“I heard we are checking the ropes and wheel spokes and we will be going on to Nasdaq soon.”
“I have been hearing we have changed our plans and we are going on to Amex instead.”
“I only have free shares.”
“What are free shares?”
“Free shares are what you get when things aren’t going well.”
“Is it like hives? I get hives when things aren’t going well.”
“No it has nothing to do with bees.”
“I heard free shares are what you get when there is no money to pay you for your labor.”
“Are you pregnant again?”
“Yes I have heard free shares are like money in the bank.”
“What happens when you can’t get anyone to buy your free shares?”
“You don’t lose anything because they are only free shares.”
“Are free shares anything like wife swapping?”
“My wife doesn’t think so. She is talking about husband swapping.”
“Are you a cuckold? You do wear a rather large cod piece.”
“I don’t wear a codpiece at all.”
“So then are you just excited about the sheep or what?”
“I think we will be leaving in the morning,”
“I have heard we will be here for a while.”