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ergo sum

10/27/06 12:20 PM

#1160 RE: ergo sum #1159

Who would fardels bear?

After the Prince’s 7 hour press conference the true believers were out in force demonstrating around the castle. Clerks, lawyers and accountants hypothesized on hypothecation. Most insisting that any fool could understand that the fact that the SEC was under investigation in one case was proof that the SEC was in error on this case. After all the naked shorters had gotten the exchange to add the infamous E as a secret signal to the SEC that Slippery needed some help. So it was clear now that the SEC had stepped in and halted the stock to further aid and abet the same criminal mastermind, Slippery the Short. Could anything be more obvious?

Reviews of the Prince’s ramblings tended to differ. Some of course focused on the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,” while others noted that they had been conflicted the whole night long by the thought that “To sleep--perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub.” Some admitting quite frankly that yes they had fallen asleep.

A few in the barracks of the Castle Guard debated whether or not the Prince was a bit daft. This was quickly met with terms of derision by those who sipped on the magic potion of the prince’s wine steward. “Basher be damned!” They exhorted and two were slain “With a bare bodkin” right on the spot.

Riddle had only thoughts of “ The fair Deniala! -- Nymph, in thy orisons Be all my sins remembered.” He was losing his patience and growing hornier than a toad. He sipped on the water’s of forgetfulness and grew tired of the endless banter.

For the most part the people of the manor had stopped caring one way or the other for the good people of the castle. Most felt that they had done all they could to warn them and the fact that their pleas were met with nothing but scorn convinced them to just stop caring. Much of their attention now turned to legal matters, sophistry and fine rhetorical points. “He is an idiot.” For example.

“The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will.....”