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07/17/18 7:45 AM

#73222 RE: SavageWildlings #73212

You are living in fantasy land, my friend. Any investment carries firm specific risk, and the risk does not necessarily translate to a proportional level of return, especially for risky companies like Titan. This is why people are re-thinking the traditional broad market beta concept of CAPM, and looking at factor based risk diversification (see smart beta). Anyone who rolled the dice on a pre-market OTC company accepted the high stakes and Titan owes them nothing more than their share of any dividends if and when that time comes. This is the reality we all must face, you're only setting yourself up for further disappointment and resentment if you expect anything more.


07/17/18 8:42 AM

#73224 RE: SavageWildlings #73212

Savage - well said. Mac is proving that while he is building SPORT to specifics (didn't know it needed so many tweaks), added needed software, went to the 3 world sites for testing, improved management team/focus, new Patents - a lot, he really didn't give any respect to the long-term investor. He has not invested in the stock - a red flag until he does, and he has not looked to better the SP for the loyal stake holders.
Really - he drops the ball with fiduciary and trust to that part of Titan Medical success as a company, at least to date, in his long one and a half years as the leader.

"The only form of meaningful recovery is to wait for this company to get FDA approval and sell their units. Not much to do but suffer through this mess and see where it goes. May squeeze a break even / small amount of profit"by Savage. Exactly why I don't sleep well lately