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07/11/18 11:57 PM

#526116 RE: wamugold #526115

wamugold... you got your history wrong... General George Armstrong Custer was not a cowboy, he was assigned to fight the american indian out in the west, after a distinguished career fighting the civil war as a calvary officer...his command unit was beset by a horde of Indian braves... His unit was all killed, scalped, and dismembered by indian squaws after the battle where they lay, at "Little Big Horn River"...Custer was to make a cross charge through the Indian encampment, after Reno crossed the Little Big Horn, and drew fire from waiting Indians... the soldiers dismounted, took cover among the reeds and bushes, but were "cut to pieces"... commander Reno never made his scheduled first pass through the Indian encampment, unbeknown to Custer, who was to make the final pass through the encampment...another Calvary officer named Bentine was to cut down fleeing indians as they ran from the encampment... he heard Custers men firing, and thought Custer was mopping up the tribe, until a messenger reached him and told Bentine that Custer had dismounted and was fighting for his life... Benton, however did not like Custer, because Custer did not stand up for his junior officers under his command, and Bentine failed to send his calvary to save Custer for quite some time... in effect, Bentine thought Custer had it coming to the time Bentine arrived, Custer along with his men were dead and mutilated... only Custer was not scalped and mutilated, as the others, but his ears were pierced as a sign that his ears would be open to the cries of the Indian in the next life....source of this text was a deposition in court by Bentine following the massacre.... Lodas