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07/11/18 9:08 PM

#22177 RE: rocketman2294 #22174

Many great products never succeed. It is not enough to have a good product it is all about execution and marketing. This is where Bruce fails every time. Some may remember Beta Max was better than VHS but guess what VHS won out over Beta.

Yes, Bruce has been BSing sales and marketing for all the years I have followed this stock.

BTW Rafael was not fooled he was very clear that Bruce has a very difficult uphill battle and having an innovate product actually could be a major hurdle to build inroads into the old boys network with its herd mentality.

Yes, Bruce told many of us the BS years ago that VLDI was the cure all, but even if it is not, why oh why can't they get a single real client. The question that no one can answer because it defies logic, if Bruce has what he claims he has!

BTW many have left this board over the years including some major supporters like Shortround.
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07/11/18 9:25 PM

#22178 RE: rocketman2294 #22174

I have in the past asked the same questions regarding RG and is why I'm still hanging out here. He didn't put that time in for nothing. Now what comes out of it, who knows but I can wait for it.

You have also addressed how VLDI stays in business despite its reported cash on hand and I've also wondered that in the past. Just how does it keep going? Yet another reason I'm hanging out to see what happens. Whoever is funding this company is either ridiculously naive, has tons of money to waste, or simply knows more than us peons do. I can wait.