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07/04/18 10:26 AM

#139986 RE: TRUISM #139985

Holy shit
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07/04/18 10:31 AM

#139987 RE: TRUISM #139985

Pump or unreported material event?

Either way this looks sloppy as hell.

What a hoot.

gl longs

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07/04/18 11:09 AM

#139989 RE: TRUISM #139985

Sounds like someone has committed $50 million if we get the green light which we still need a few things to get.
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07/04/18 11:26 AM

#139990 RE: TRUISM #139985

It seem that many things are leaked from the Vietnam media lately.
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07/04/18 11:27 AM

#139991 RE: TRUISM #139985

Nice find Truth, that was fast after the meeting today!
Hope this will enable the company to go deeper into details about this to us.

But it seems they can not import the eggs yet?

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07/04/18 11:28 AM

#139992 RE: TRUISM #139985

TRUTH - We now have a front row seat to the historic revitalization of the VN silk industry --- more to come !!!

Best regards - yankee
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07/04/18 12:26 PM

#140004 RE: TRUISM #139985

Wow great find truth..once up and going the scope of this project is going to be hugh.
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07/04/18 12:33 PM

#140006 RE: TRUISM #139985

here is another report

The Center for Research and Development of Silkworm Silk has been unified by the Government of Quang Nam for Kraig Biocraft Laboratories to make investment procedures.

On the basis of the agreement on studying and making investment procedures for the project of researching and developing silkworm silkworm in Dai Hiep commune, Dai Loc district, on July 4, Chairman of Quang Nam People's Committee Dinh Van Thu had a meeting with Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Company - USA, leaders of the Department of the province.

The project for researching and developing silkworm silkworm technology was approved by the Government of Quang Nam for Kraig Biocraft Laboratories - United States to survey, study and make investment procedures; The research scale is around 50 hectares.The project is planned to be divided into 3 phases, of which the first phase will be the establishment of a silkworm research laboratory in Na Kham village (Dien Quang commune, Dien Ban town). The second phase is to build a silkworm complex in Dai Hiep commune (Dai Loc district) with an area of ??50 hectares. Phase 3 will be implemented in cooperation with local authorities, cooperatives and farmer households in Dai Loc, Dien Ban, Duy Xuyen ... to grow berries for the development and long-term operation of the project. , with an area of ??mulberry plantation expected from 2,000 to 2,500 hectares.

Representatives of investors is Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Company - United States is looking forward to the province temporarily handed over 50 hectares of land to take the initiative in the deployment of research and development. However, the issue concerned by the work of investors is that the investor must have a certificate from the Ministry of Science and Technology for hybrid silkworms to develop the project. With the view of continuing support for the project implementation, Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Dinh Van Thu agreed to extend the study and survey period to 31/12/2018. During this period, the investor must obtain a certificate from the Ministry of Science and Technology about the import of hybrid silkworms from the United States for the purpose of development and development within the framework of the project. Chairman of Quang Nam People's Committee Dinh Van Thu also said that the project is in line with the policy of restoring the traditional silkworm rearing in the Thu Bon River. Therefore, the establishment of the working group,

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07/04/18 2:40 PM

#140015 RE: TRUISM #139985

Thanks for this, Truth! GREAT STUFF...The scope of what KBLB is doing in Vietnam will slowly come out.....HUGE!
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07/04/18 3:24 PM

#140020 RE: TRUISM #139985

Great find!
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07/04/18 3:36 PM

#140021 RE: TRUISM #139985

Congrats TRUTH on landing a big catch of a story.

Hope its not the same like the reversal of the month and day.

"the company wants to invest about $ 50 million here."

50,000,000 us = 2177.50 dong

dong may just make you feel like a millionaire – $100 will get you about 2 million dong!

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07/04/18 6:54 PM

#140038 RE: TRUISM #139985

It will be years before KBLB gets production going in Vietnam. By then, they might be bankrupt.

"However, the issue of concern is that the investor should have the certification of the Ministry of Science and Technology for hybrid silkworms to develop the project."

"In addition, Pham Viet Tich, Director of the Quang Nam Department of Science and Technology, said that the import of hybrid silkworms must be approved by the US side to be imported into Vietnam without affecting the environment. Harmful, affecting mulberry in water."

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07/04/18 7:45 PM

#140043 RE: TRUISM #139985

Restoring silkworm production for $50 million...

The tag line for this article is

An investor wants to spend $ 50 million to restore traditional silkworm villages in Quang Nam to create hi-tech products for export from silkworm genetically modified silkworms

Note the emphasis on the benefit to Quang Nam and the specific desire to 'restore traditional silkworm villages.' If this is KBLB marketing, they did a very clever job of appealing to the Vietnamese desire to promote the region.

This strongly suggests two possibilities: An investor/JV wants to pump $50 million into KBLB ... or ... A Vietnamese investor wants to pump $50 million into Quang Nam. The latter seems the most likely to me, although I would welcome the former as well.

Consider a wealthy Vietnamese who has $50 million to invest. Motives might include 1) A desire to pump life into a favored province; 2) A plan to make money from his investment; 3) A belief that a successful program will improve his standing in the country; or 4) All of the above.

Anyone have information on Kenneth Lee? Might he be this well heeled?

Given the limited production of our silks, investors would have to be quite confident in KBLB to be that specific at this time.

A final possibility: KT has the $50 million and plans to fund it himself. No idea about this one...

In any case, the $50 million is so specific that it suggests KBLB has a serious investor lined up and is waiting for the right moment to announce the deal.
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07/05/18 8:43 AM

#140080 RE: TRUISM #139985

This was a great find Truth. Thank You!!!!!
We should get clarification soon enough$

*** A Company Wants To Invest $ 50 million In Genetically Engineered Silkworms ***

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06/10/19 4:15 AM

#157188 RE: TRUISM #139985

About time for an update on Vietnam? A blockbuster perhaps...