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06/22/18 1:58 PM

#13931 RE: 13strats #13928


r clarke

06/22/18 2:27 PM

#13934 RE: 13strats #13928

Elon misleads investors, overstates positives, downplays negatives and you want to compare Tesla / Musk ... to Amazon / Bezos ?

Elon is a PT Barnum show man, and has increasingly limited credibility.

He will be a liability for Tesla going forward.

I simply want people to think about who is pouring the Kool Aid before drinking it.

"I do agree its overpriced and elon musk says the same. However its not his problem nor mine nor yours that it is. Amazon is overpriced. Net flix is way over. People like tesla. People like the other two. They are free to buy or sell and i guess you are free to bitch"