scotty, Drs. Askhan is an authority in GBM and is so Dr. Liau. FDA reviewers are no where close to the kind of knowledge these two possess in this field. Dr. Stupp is another authority in this filed but his mind went on to business mode how to make tons of money for him and the BP helping Roche for chemos, Novacure for the helmet and so forth. He tweaked a little on already existing technology or therapy not went after the source and has been happy about it. But Dr. Liau approached this disease fundamentally finding the source and how to go after it. She came up with the whole tumor autologous DC lysate approach and she claimed this approach provides the best therapy to treat GBM to date in her review paper recently. No one including Stupp could challenge it. Dealing with cancer is not easy for hundreds of years. Shrinking the size with chemo or zapping it with radiation is a temporary fix but the same cancer pops out back later in different parts of the body as well. Doing this is easy but coming up with the immune science perfecting and targeting and retaining the immune memory is not something that easy to do and these researchers made it possible after 10s of years of hard work and dedication.