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06/19/18 5:17 PM

#75924 RE: BTEXP #75918

He's not silent. He told everyone in a video to expect great things in Q3 and Q4. Those are a long way off.

I sold 100% of my nfusz shares, but I plan on buying back AFTER Q2 financials are released.


06/19/18 6:35 PM

#75939 RE: BTEXP #75918

Well BTEXP, lucky for me my wife is over in Latvia for three months so I don't hear the "I told you to sell" as often as I did. But I also put her sister into FUSZ and I let a big profit pass her by also. So, I get double trouble.

I am at the pps level where I probably should sell half and keep the free shares and wait like Engine did for better days after Q2. Even if I didn't buy back those shares, if the pps goes up above 10 as some predict, I still would be in the millionaire club.

But as long as pps stays in the 60's it is still a keeper of all my shares.