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terry hallinan

06/18/18 10:40 AM

#38454 RE: c3po_3 #38451


Thomas Edison/Quotes that Dr. Michael S. Lebby is following:

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

Edison never said he had successfully found 10,000, 1,000, 100 or 10 ways that didn't work.

It is a myth.

I tried to find the entire room where Edison met Henry Ford that I was told had been moved to the Ford Museum. It certainly wasn't available anywhere on the grounds of the Ford Mansion either but it had a unique feature wherever it is or was. Edison had nailed the chair to the floor.

Tesla's vengeful description of Edison as a smelly, unkempt recluse was probably at least true in essence but Edison was probably a true autistic despite the Aspies [Asperger's syndrome] claiming Edison as one of their own. His language skills were very delayed even in later adulthood but his genius is evident today despite the many calumnies.

Lebby is no Edison. It appears the entire universe of those who find fault with Dr. Lebby post on this message board. :-)

Those who invented and improved Perkinamine and its family will probably remain in the shadows forever but I think Lebby will never slight them but rather prove their genius.

Best, Terry