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06/15/18 3:59 PM

#14257 RE: GaiusGracchus #14255

upon the terms and subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in such Note : that's 180 days no?
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06/15/18 4:16 PM

#14262 RE: GaiusGracchus #14255


FOR V ALUE RECEIVED , ABCO ENERGY, I NC. , a Nevada corporation (hereinafter called the " Borrower " ) , hereby promises to pay to the order of L2 CAPITAL , LLC, a Kansas limited liability company , or registered assigns (the " Holder ' ") the principal sum of $87 , 707.25 ( the " Prin cipal Amount " ) , together with interest at the rate of seve n percent (7%) per annum , at maturity or upon acceleration or otherwise. as set forth herein (the ' 'Note") (with the understanding that the initi al s i x months of such interest s hal l be guaranteed). This Note i s being is s ued b y the Borrower to the Holder to ev idence the assignment by Blackbrid ge Cap ital Growth Fund LLC (t he " Seller") of $87 ,7 07.25 owed under that certa i n promi ssory note iss ued b y the Borrower to the Seller o n or around Nove mber 2 , 2016 , in the original pri ncipal amount o f $ 100 , 000.00 , which was assigned to the Holder on or around t h e Issue Date. The maturity date shall be six (6) months from the Issue Date (the “ Maturity Date " ) , and is the date upon which the principal sum, as well as any accrued and unpa i d intere st and other fees , shall be due and payable. This Note may not be repaid in whole or in part except as otherwise explicitly set fort h her ein. Any amount of principal or interest on this Note , which is not paid by the Maturity Date , sha ll bear interest at the rate of the lesser of ( i) twenty four percent (24%) per annum or (ii) the maximum amount allowed by law, from the due date thereof until the same is paid ( " D efault Interest " ), interest shall commence accruing on the date that the Note is fully paid and sha ll be computed on the basis of a 365-day yea r and the actual number of days elapsed. All payments due hereunder ( to the extent not co n verted into the Borrower ' s common stock (the "Common Stock " ) in accordance with the terms hereof) shall be made in lawful money of the United State s of America . All payments sha ll be made at s uch”