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06/14/18 8:59 PM

#2662 RE: XUSMCMP #2661

Glad to have you joining us on the front lines!

As for tomorrow?

Srains is probably right in hoping for unreasonably low price points in the early going tomorrow. Notice, though, that he's prepared to pay $12.40 in the closing trades if he must. What he's saying is that he's ready to shift to Plan B and will do so if it's what he's got to do. He is not going to be denied and I respect the heck out of him for this. Pete807 did much the same thing today as did Harkmi.

A growing number of us appear to be doing the Jugular Dance. That is to say we are--in increasing numbers-- going for throat in our NGL investments, in the belief this stock is going to be monumentally transformative and profitable like no other, ever.

Biographies have always intrigued me throughout my life. Time and again each spectacularly successful person portrayed in the book achieved greatness by going all in. Always, it was understood that just a single letter distinguished "best" from "bust."

And now we have a collection of gutsy folks similarly putting a whole lot on the line. Is it all about money? I sure hope not! After all, if we're right, not only will there be huge numbers of dollars in our pockets, there'll be satisfaction in knowing we had what it took to see us through to rainbow's end.

Courage & conviction are life's greatest partners when tragedy strikes, whether losing a dearly loved one or hearing the call of cancer from your own doctor.

Relentless pursuit of this or, really---anything you designate your own top tier investment vehicle--- thus becomes the celebrated cause to be honored in the public square of your mind in the style of a soldier mounted on his favorite horse.

NGL is my "all-in" bid for immortality. I see it, I know it, and I'm ready to take a fall should I be making a mistake. And if it is a mistake, I'm tough enough to accept the consequences. I don't think I know anybody else who has dared to stand independently as is happening here.

And I know I'm not alone for we are a rather tight group of committed, like-minded investors on this message board.

We will prevail.