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06/13/18 5:51 PM

#177833 RE: sentiment_stocks #177826

"One expert who expressly asked not to be quoted said that the report was more for Wall Street to applaud than for scientists to react to."

I had to laugh at the above. He/she expressly asks not to be quoted and then they immediately give a quote...

Still, we all know the expert doesn't really exist.

'One expert..'; well, it wasn't AF then.

You can just tell that those of a wolfpack persuasion are seething about the positive BBC coverage.

They might be able to get collusion from Fox News and that kids channel CNBC, but they can't control the BBC.


06/13/18 6:28 PM

#177844 RE: sentiment_stocks #177826

Oh boy, he doesn’t have much skin in the game. I think he should have reserved his comments until OS comes in! This is effectively the end point! If the patients are living longer, then something is going on, and patients have the RTT and a right to alter their SOC if they choose based on all the data presented to them.

I think there should now be a centralized site for cancer patients to visit with specific cancer to see all studies being done, so that the Oncologist, is unable to recommend a treatment study group that they may be associated with for funding purposes...Just my opinion...RTT is a Right to Know too! Most people are unaware of their treatment options and rely on their saviors, the doctors, under these conditions thinking they have their best interest at heart, which I do believe all may...but it all comes down to negotiating with the insurance providers as irons in the fire. I just think they could have reserved their comments, because, after all, they can inadvertently influence the outcome of the approval process. Especially, in light of revelation of new dangers of immunotherapy and the questions raised about Optune study results. Just sayin...:-(


06/13/18 6:32 PM

#177845 RE: sentiment_stocks #177826

Agree Sent...and people wonder why LP is silent!


06/13/18 6:38 PM

#177847 RE: sentiment_stocks #177826

Reminds me of the MD Anderson episode from a few years back.

The kindest explanation is professional jealousy. Much worse explanations come to mind as well.

One would expect the cancer community to have at least some encouragements when a clinical trial has a chance to be an effective and safe approach for cancer patients facing a terminal illness. And if the final data is bad, so be it, but at least the science moves along. We even find some sniping from an 'expert' who won't be named (really?). And again, from folks who not only did not take part in the trial, but have competing research.

Linda Liau, the lead author, is not even mentioned, nor is UCLA... and what a weird thing to state the article was not peer reviewed.

And the selection was very well explained in Dr. Bosch presentation; the intent presented by Dr. Castellino is quite a spin. Oh well.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

Best of luck to Patients, NWBO, and Longs.


11/15/18 7:44 PM

#197726 RE: sentiment_stocks #177826 are an enormous contribution to the support and journey to a defined and documented process at extending life....Very good....thanks Sentiment Stocks