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06/12/18 5:25 PM

#522159 RE: wamugold #522155


Common sense tells me what you are saying is higly unlikely.

Good thing ya weren't around when ORVAL and WILBUR we discussing flight, or when NASA was talking about putting a man in orbit or on the moon, or even a COMPUTER a glorified calculator was being designed and built!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANY bets there were MANY DOUBTERS just like you have been forever????

LET ME just say one thing to you KMART was EXACTLY what we are talking about, and a PRIME EXAMPLE it was a BK and it did emerge, it just did so WITHOUT the OLD shareholders and went to $174 so for you SIR


You were just SHOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALSO do NOT forget Enron shareholders got $6.47 per share

SO you've been shown now, so POOF GHONDI!


06/12/18 9:02 PM

#522190 RE: wamugold #522155

wamugold, " I have an idea can you kindly show me as an example another bankruptcy in history were you have seen that happened."

Was THIS an 'actual BK', OR a contrived THEFT (attempt), that needs to be reconciled?