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06/10/18 5:20 PM

#152532 RE: Investor2014 #152529

Mitochondrial Dysfunction Is the Root Cause of Alzheimer’s

According to the unique Anavex 2-73 mechanism of action, the root, basal cause of at least some Alzheimer’s cases (perhaps most or all), is the incomplete or error-prone folding of essential proteins (enzymes) that modulate and control proper, healthful neuron chemistry. These folding errors occur because the rough endoplasmic reticula, adjacent to and normally touching mitochondria, normally fold proteins into functioning enzymes.

This requires ample concentrations of energy-supplying adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is synthesized in the mitochondria. In the case of Alzheimer’s, the endoplasmic reticula no longer functionally connect to the mitochondria, restricting normal transport of ATPs into the rough ER. With this deficit, there is insufficient energy to power protein folding. Hence, proteins are made, but they are improperly shaped and can no longer facilitate normal chemical reactions in the neuron. Consequently, toxic molecules are made and no longer removed or destroyed. Beta-amyloids and tau tangles accumulate, disrupting and slowing normal neuron and nerve function. Alzheimer’s symptoms present.

In review (briefly, incompletely), Anavex 2-73 re-connects the rough endoplasmic reticula with adjacent mitochondria, and restores normalized molecular and ion (Ca++) exchanges, allowing proper, normalized protein folding. Consequently, neurons and nerves function normally again.

As a large number of papers on the disease will attest, Alzheimer’s (and most other CNS diseases) is a disease of mitochondrial dysfunction. Anavex 2-73 restores effective ATP synthesis and transport from mitochondria into the rough ER. After that, things work normally.