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06/07/18 12:46 AM

#182413 RE: Shotgun-20 #182412

There is no rhyme or reason for why the pps reacted to many of the news releases this year.... Except that it wasn't contract news. And that is the company's fault for setting that expectation in early January. Also, the way the company has gone silent for months is just next-level inexcusable to me.

I don't post here anymore. Haven't for quite a while. It's because there is nothing to talk about for months, and nothing new or valuable is ever talked about here anymore. The people still touting how great this company is...
i don't get it. Utopya has done nothing and said nothing when hundreds or thousands of inquiries have been sent to them. They shut down IR apparently. I guess that lasted a few weeks. Pretty sad, all of it. It may turn out fine, but it should never have gotten down here and it doesn't look good.