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Saving Grace

06/20/18 9:32 AM

#858 RE: whitefishbay #855

The Council has no say in the matter and would wind up heavily sued themself and lose by a long shot. There are signed contracts on the table through HUD not Ishpeming who does not own the property.

The city has enough of their own junk to worry about and unsightly half tore down water towers on builings that make the city look like a dump.

That turbine works but that water tower and cliffs abandoned mine shafts don't. The Ishpeming Housing Commission and HUD decided to wait on the new turbine rather than using the prototype because the free energy commitment from CGE begins when the turbine is turned on. When the new turbine is installed, The Housing Commission's contract begins and lasts for 5 years.

There are also possible solar installations in the future.