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05/31/18 9:29 AM

#102743 RE: bildo #102708

There are numerous flaws in these claims regarding MMEX, and the use of the term "odds" in attempting to inflate immaterial statements into actual accomplishments. Let's pick them apart one by one:

What are the odds a stinky stock will get land?

The MMEX "land deal" was executed for the sum of $10.00 "and other consideration." Individuals, and businesses routinely purchase land in West Texas, in Pecos County - there is no shortage of land here, it is plentiful, and inexpensive. There is little risk that anyone can purchase land for any purpose here. This is immaterial, and in no way a significant accomplishment, or "odds beater."

What are the odds a stinky stock will get permits?

In fact, MMEX has a single permit - a TCEQ Type O AQP, obtained for $100 and filling out an application correctly - a task which MMEX itself lacked the competence to do, and had to hire it done. Again, permit by rule is designed to create a 100% chance of success for an applicant - TCEQ even assists, and provides tools for the purpose. Dry cleaners, rock crushers, paving plant operators, and so on routinely obtain the exact same type of permit (without hiring a consultant). No "odds" are in play here.

What are the odds a stinky stock will get a congressman to visit its site?

Politicians, including representatives, councilman, mayors, and so on routinely visit project sites - that is part of their job. An invitation is all that's necessary. It isn't their job to investigate the veracity of the claims of a con-man running a project scam. Again, nothing material, no odds were beaten...

What are the odds a stinky stock will build a road?

There are hundreds of thousands of miles of caliche roads (with fences!) in West Texas - Mad J. spent other people's money (proceeds from toxic lending) to improve a couple of miles of caliche haul road - not exactly a major accomplishment. Claiming this is some sort of material victory, or proof of anything is hilarious.

What are the odds a stinky stock will actually get off-take agreements?

Can you provide substantive, corroborating proof of any off-take agreement? This only exists as statements in MMEX self-generated PR, in a shareholder letter, and in an "executive summary," related to pump the stock. No independent corroborating evidence exists to support this claim.

What are the odds a stinky stock will find someone to build it a CDU?

EPC's like most businesses will take anyone's money, or consider leading a project - no magic involved, no odds to beat. If they get paid, they'll do the work.

What are the odds a stinky stock will find a supplier?

Again, can you provide substantive, corroborating evidence to support this claim? EnLink seems to have failed to do so... another claim that exists in Mad J.'s "executive summary," with no supporting evidence.

Please do "go on..."