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05/25/18 7:53 PM

#70195 RE: redspeed #70194

He said he had 250k profit now down to 40k. He didn’t say he invested 250k, big difference. So it’s better to just watch profits disappear? And wait for them to come back again, if they even get that high again?

You’re comparing this company to companies that have CHANGED the WORLD, nFusz has done nothing of that nature yet. That’s why I call it HYPE, it’s all speculation and a lot of people were caught in this HYPE when it was running and all these longs and CEO are saying this stock price is worth this and that. So let’s keep it real, nFusz does not compare to any of the big companies you compare it too. It hasn’t proven itself at all yet. Q2 results will have to be spectacular or some huge deals paying deals signed or else it’s just gonna keep going lower. Even Rory said they would blow through 20,000 subscribers in the first Q. Didn’t happen, once again hyping up the stock.

I’m over the hyping of it, it’s all a joke. Until stuff actually gets proven. Tim Skyes seems to be right when he called it a classic “Pump & Dump” just like so many other people have that are not hardcore followers of the company.

My money is in the company, but that doesn’t mean I have to sit here and be all happy go lucky about the company when things are not going good. Some of these SHAC videos were a joke(IMO) and I feel that contributed to the selling, it’s not all shorters like the “CEO” is saying. People took profits HUGE PROFITS and some people didn’t like not getting the Oracle PR and whatever else and now a lawsuit so this company still has stuff to prove. Need to cut back on the hyping up of it because it hasn’t done anything but disappoint.


05/25/18 7:59 PM

#70197 RE: redspeed #70194

You are correct Redspeed! We invested over 6 figures in nFUSZ and won't sell a single share until it reaches its final destination which is a BO at $20 or higher. We did our DD and we know nFUSZ is the needle in a haystack. WE FOUND THE NEEDLE FOLKS! Go FUSZ!


05/27/18 9:02 AM

#70295 RE: redspeed #70194

I bought in, initially, at 2 bucks, currently hold 100K at $1.35. I have a limit order for another 50K in at .68...but I'd bet balls It's never getting filled.

I am a true long... all my positions are, and I've never flipped or shorted.

Out of all my holdings, I am the most excited and energized about Mr. Cutaia, his team and $FUSZ...the future of his proprietary CRM application software looks exceptionally bright!

....and the accolades just keep coming!!!

"Oracle's New Sales Tool To Grow Cloud Business"