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05/25/18 7:11 PM

#4081 RE: PhoneCzar #4080

This converted spectrum licenses into 50 MHZ groups is not what AT&T has been advocating the FCC set up for 5G service areas, whereas AT&T suggested that the pooled spectrum be consolidated into 200 MHZ blocks. That was the gist of the AT&T economist expert document they submitted that they want to be based on some sort of 'vouchers' to be used in a bidding situation with incumbent licenses and other licenses being put on an auction - that AT&T said would be fair to all involved.

So it seems the FCC went their own way on this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think this FCC decision changes much for the Fibertower spectrum except the paperwork and the addition of being able to use the spectrum in a 'mobile' designation.

Regarding the other post about Chairman Pai getting some push back from the oversight committee - I think the story author was too quick to label this a trivial matter for Pai. Reading most of those letters the focus was quite often on the Sinclair Broadcasting investigation of Pai's activities, and also his use of his office for political campaign fund raising. This looks more like they took all these unanswered letters and rolled them into a giant snowball coming down a mountain to hit Pai.

I did note that the Fibertower / Straight Path letter from representative Anna Eshoo, where she said the spectrum should be taken back from both companies, was not included in the list of letters Pai failed to answer. So did Pai answer that particular letter, or was it considered not part of this attack on Pai?

Some of the letters were from congress members not on the oversight committee, so the combined message probably should be seen as more than a 'spanking'. The next step could be an order to appear before a congressional hearing to provide answers and testimony under oath. Sure seems like the ground work for that IMO.