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05/21/18 9:59 AM

#273209 RE: Rocketred #273208

$KNDI vs. $TSLA | Look out Tesla, there's a new kid in town.


05/22/18 9:47 AM

#273210 RE: Rocketred #273208

The USA has a big problem with society and family and evil.

This kind of thing never occurred before psychotropic drugs became doctors candy to replace parenting.

So it is OK if kids use propane tanks, gasoline, knives, swords, cars, trucks, chemicals, poisons, fire, etc. to murder instead.

Until America returns to teaching the Ten Commandments, God in schools, parenting, to give a moral compass and empathy installation into the children - evil will continue to thrive.

But no one has the strength to battle these real causes of breakdown because it is difficult. So the easy scapegoat is blame a tool.

I don't think anyone will ever succeed in America in taking away a Right like the 2nd that protects all others. Doing so would activate it and then a new government of the People will take over after they abolish the tyrannical one.


05/23/18 2:24 AM

#273217 RE: Rocketred #273208

America's biggest problems are degenerate media, multiculturalism, true hate groups(like the ADL & SPLC) and the constant undermining of american traditionalism (including xtianity).

These problems came into existence as media, government & the populace became increasingly non-european. I lived outside the country for most of the Obama years. When I returned the degeneracy, disorder and filth of the U.S. was shocking. We are now caught between the open-border Soros faction and the the warmongering Trumpist zionist faction. Only a return to a traditionalism that built this country will make it safe.

I can you tell this. If authorities come for my guns leaving me to the devices of the aforementioned hate groups, antifia & mesoamerican gangsters, it will be time to start slaughtering the "authorities" that jacked this country up.

The second amendment predated all these problems. Things were fine. Ask yourself what changed. It's pretty obvious.