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10/17/06 7:17 PM

#2600 RE: mick #2599

Monday, Oct. 16, 2006 8:03 p.m. EDT
Hillary Apologizes for Aide’s McCain Remark

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Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has had to apologize to Sen. John McCain after one of her advisers made a derogatory comment regarding McCain's time as a prisoner of war.

According to the New York Post, the flap started in the New York Times column of Maureen Dowd, who quoted an anonymous adviser slamming McCain for his recent criticism of the Clintons regarding North Korea's nuclear program.

According to the Post, the adviser said Team Clinton thought McCain was doing the White House's dirty work by criticizing the Clintons and ended up "looking similar to the way he did on those captive tapes from Hanoi, where he recited the names of his crewmates."

That was a reference to an unsubstantiated rumor used to tar McCain, a Vietnam war hero, as off-kilter during the 2000 GOP presidential primary.

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Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said, "These comments are reprehensible and they in no way reflect Senator Clinton's feelings."
McCain spokesman John Weaver replied, "Senator Clinton is correct, the remark was reprehensible."

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