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10/17/06 7:20 PM

#2601 RE: mick #2600

Clinton War Room Going After Curt Weldon?

October 17, 2006


RUSH: Clarice Feldman theorizes at the that it's the Clintonoids out trying to get Curt Weldon because of some things he wrote in his book about the incompetence of intelligence and law enforcement during the Clinton years. Let's go back to the final answer that Bill Clinton gave during the Chris Wallace interview. He mentions one House Republican by name. The question, "The White House, the Republicans, want to make the American people afraid?"

CLINTON: Of course they do. Of course they do. It's a big load of hooey. We've got nine Iraq war veterans running for House seats, a three-star admiral who was on my National Security Council staff, who also fought terror, by the way, is running for the seat of Curt Weldon in Pennsylvania. We've got a huge military presence here in this campaign and we just can't let 'em have some rhetorical device that puts us in a box we don't belong in. That's their job. Their job's to beat us. I like that about Rove. But our job is not to let them get away with it, and if they don't then we'll do fine.

RUSH: Last night on CNN, by the way, Donna Brazile was asked by Wolf Blitzer, "A lot of people are saying this, Donna: If you and the Democrats can't win the House at least, maybe even the Senate this time, you might as well forget about being in Democratic Party because you've got so much going for you right now."

BRAZILE: The truth is that we still have a number of competitive races. While the political landscape now favor a generic Democratic candidate, we still have to slug it out until the end zone in all these key congressional raises. So this is a good year for Democrats, but we still have to turn out our votes.

RUSH: Okay, so somebody finally asked a Democrat, What happens if you lose? What does it mean? And Donna Brazile would not answer that question. She would not answer.


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(American Thinker: Clintonoids trying to get Curt Weldon - Clarice Feldman)

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