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05/16/18 10:33 AM

#171093 RE: Lordlordlandlord #171086

It will hold up for now, but it will eventually drop to lower levels. It was the same at .01 and .005 many were buying along with myself in hopes we can keep the share price above. What many realized later no matter what many do here it will not be enough, hence why we are where we are now. It’s sad to say but this will drop a couple levels. It is all dependent on what direction Rich decides to go. I don’t think any news he will releases now will keep the price up. The only things I feel that can move share price up is ownership uplist or buyout details. All other will only appease share holders temporarily then back to the rollercoaster eventually on the way down. ICNB can go to trips and Bellissima will still make money. But how long will Bellissima make money who knows, Christie will not be doing this forever. If things slow I’m sure they’ll just close up shop. That’s something to think about in the long term as she is the main person of Bellissima. So we’ll see what happens. But for now it’s going to get really rough soon unless we get amazing news. But good luck to you and to all here. I’m sure many will exit because they’ll get stuck for a while if they stay.