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05/15/18 8:08 PM

#4294349 RE: saltlife #4294329

needitfast, AXXA , Everything, I mean Everything I have posted on that board stands on its own merits. People can say whatever they like on that board. I'm reading all kinds of GUESSES and EMOTIONAL uninformed responses. Don't be swayed by the noise. Look at what the company is doing. They are not acting like a penny stock, because they are not going to be a penny stock for much longer. We are battling forces that don't want to see AXXA become a BIG BOY stock at ANY COST. Watch the companies actions. Watch for more Nasdaq type moves from THE NEW CTO and acting CEO who came from a $24 A SHARE NASDAQ company to come to lil old AXXA. Look for more Nasdaq type professional non-OTC like behavior such as more filings, official new releases etc, the transition is underway big time, soon we will be allowed to hear what they have been working on for all these weeks since the name change in mid-April. And yes, MOASS was not some imaginary friend that was made up out of thin air. It is based on rock solid on the ground DD. Block out the noise my friend. IMO, we ain't see nothing yet. A pink sheet stock posting 4 filings including quarterly reports and an annual report, being fully transparent. Watch as we go forward. All professional Nasdaq type behavior IMO. Hang tight. Watch the Money Flow. Big money is in AXXA. AXXA is wayyyyyyyy bigger than any "message board or message board poster" IMO.