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05/13/18 12:14 PM

#279818 RE: ForReal #279817

ForReal, You picked your side.

Historically the Republican party has been corrupt but this Republican party makes the corrupt Nixon era Republicans look like alter boys.

""Firing Mueller and Rosenstein won’t save Trump’s closest allies""
"I agree. They are like drug lords. Take one out and there are three waiting to take their place."

Reads like you are saying Mueller and Rosenstein are like drug lords. And yet honest people across the political
spectrum say they are both men of the highest integrity who believe in the rule-of-law and fairness to the ballot box.

Sad thing is the rest of yours

"The sad thing about all this is that it has become a normal part of politics.
Do you think there will be no payback, should a Dem win the presidency?
And what about all the corruption revealed in the FBI & Justice Dept.?
This has been going on, to varying degrees, since Nixon. It is no longer limited to just the
President and is becoming dangerous. It is a waste of money and keeps us divided into tribes.

is little more than a mishmash of sour grapes, whatabouts, and false equivalences.

Oh, almost forgot. I'm thinking you probably read the link above before posting that one, accounting for your
"since Nixon" mention. You might as well have said 'relatively early after the beginning of human time.'

You are still giving fuel to your most corrupted side.


05/13/18 4:17 PM

#279825 RE: ForReal #279817

The IG report is again delayed, now until early June. Seems new corruption is being exposed daily. I am starting to wonder if we will see it before the mid-terms. Remember the original date to release the IG report was back in January!

Sen. Grassley is now DEMANDING all info on Gen. Flynn from DoJ, FBI. The 2ND FBI agent says also that Flynn DIDN’T lie. He’s given the DoJ and FBI until May 25 to comply.
May 13, 2018

The real-life House of Cards is started to tumble in the nation’s capital as the Swamp creatures continue to slither away from the light of scrutiny.

Fed up with stonewalling by the Justice Department and FBI, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles Grassley has demanded that the agencies comply with requests made over a year ago for all documents related to their investigation of President Donald J. Trump’s first national security advisor, former Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who has pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the FBI…for some reason.

It’s confusing as to why Flynn pleaded when all the evidence indicates he never lied to anyone.

What’s also becoming evident is that certain people inside DoJ wanted him charged with something, as he quickly became the first of many people associated with the president to be targeted by the Deep State for no reason other than The Establishment a) didn’t expect Trump to win; and b) doesn’t want him in the White House.

Grassley’s demands, which were laid out in a letter last week according to investigative journalist Sara A. Carter, “reveals, for the first time, the name of the second FBI agent who interviewed Flynn at the Whtie House regarding his conversation” with the former Russian ambassador to the U.S., she wrote.

The Iowa Republican sent the letter to Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray Friday requesting a slew of documentation pertaining to Flynn’s case.
He noted that on Feb. 15, 2017, a bipartisan group of members from his committee had requested a copy of the intercepted classified phone transcript between Flynn and former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and due to an ongoing investigation the DOJ and FBI denied the committee’s request.

Flynn was fired by President Trump in February 2017 for apparently not being forthright with Vice President Mike Pence about his conversation with Kislyak.

In Friday’s letter, Carter noted, Grassley stated that at the time the committee requested the documentation on Flynn, “the Justice Department declined to provide any of that information, and instead, then-FBI Director (James) Comey provided a wide-ranging briefing to us on March 15, 2017, that touched on the Flynn issues.”

“The Department has withheld the Flynn-related documents since our initial bipartisan request last year, citing an ongoing criminal investigation,” Grassley stated.

“With Flynn’s plea, the investigation appears concluded.”

So, where are the documents? Why haven’t the DoJ and FBI complied yet?

Grassley no longer cares what the answers are to those questions. He simply wants the documents, and he’s given the DoJ and FBI until May 25 to comply.

Carter notes that the committee has also requested that transcripts of the reportedly intercepted calls between Flynn and Kislyak “and any FBI reports summarizing them” be included in the request.

“Part of the request includes the FBI agents’ 302s, which are the interview summaries with Flynn and supporting documentation, including the agents’ notes from the date they interviewed Flynn,” she wrote.

It’s already been reported that one of the agents who ambushed Flynn at the White House in January 2017, shortly after Trump was inaugurated, was embattled top counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok.


05/13/18 9:54 PM

#279829 RE: ForReal #279817

"And what about all the corruption revealed in the FBI & Justice Dept.? "

F'ing really?

You want to talk about the FBI being predisposed to dislike traitors? What are you going to suggest next? They shouldn't be allowed to investigate drug traffickers?


05/15/18 7:12 PM

#279890 RE: ForReal #279817

"And what about all the corruption revealed in the FBI & Justice Dept.?"

You may need to pull your head out of the warm dark place you got it stuck in... The corruption you're talking about is that some people at the FBI don't like the absolute scumbags that you wholeheartedly support. They are still able to do their jobs.

Should the FBI be allowed to investigate any crime at all? After all, they clearly don't like criminals. That's a conflict of interest right there.

Can you imagine Gotti's supporters making that argument. Oh wait... I think they did.