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05/14/18 12:26 AM

#279836 RE: mr40 #279825

mr40, disingenuousness is demented and devious in your mysterious author's

"It’s confusing as to why Flynn pleaded when all the evidence indicates he never lied to anyone."

Flynn pleaded guilty because he is, and all the evidence indicates he did. If that's
confusing to you then you have more problems than a diet of nonsense news.

Gotta say that .. .. site you are now using is obviously far quackery-right. It looks pretty
much a quack quack duck-for-crap site. Perhaps your devious author is this guy (he's mentioned in the About on the site)

Now J. D. Heyes, one of the contributors at that most wretched hive of scum
and quackery, Mike Adams’, is still complaining about this.

Living in such barren ground you never would have made a successful farmer.