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05/09/18 8:48 PM

#67405 RE: huskercatman123 #67402

I`ll say this,I`ve never given this hold any credence,because I know Adxs`s LM is not the culprit of the patient death. Far too much points to Astra`s drug as the cause,especially with respiratory failure causing the patient death. Never mind the fact that the patient received way more of Astra`s drug then Axal in the trial,and over 700 patients have received Axal over the years and no deaths from it,only flu like symptoms for a third of the patient population. Dan was smart to do a deal with BMY`s drug instead of Astra`s,but we all wish he got them to pay up. Maybe they`ll come through with a nice deal,considering they own no rights,and if the combo continues to be successful it could get them to pony up soon.