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10/16/06 8:42 PM

#4536 RE: vixpix #4533

hey hey when u r a grandma u kin entertain the grandkidlets by slingin 'em over yer shoulder and tieing them in a bow ;)

there is 1 advantage to saggy bb's....

yer hubi kin plug 1 nipple into ea ear and hear his 'gun' go off ;)
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10/16/06 8:47 PM

#4541 RE: vixpix #4533

Q: Why do women prefer older gynecologists?
A: They have shaky hands!
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10/16/06 8:50 PM

#4544 RE: vixpix #4533

An ugly woman walks into to a psychiatrist's office.
"My life is a mess, doctor," she began. "I am so ugly
that no one will associate with me, touch me, or even
talk to me. Can you help?"

"Why, certainly! Helping people feel better about them-
selves is my area of expertise. I can start making you
feel more confident about your appearance right here
and now."

"Oh, I am so grateful! What should I do first?" she

"First, just walk over to the other side of the room
and lie face down on my couch."

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10/16/06 8:54 PM

#4549 RE: vixpix #4533

What is Old?

"OLD" IS WHEN..... Your sweetie says, "Let's go upstairs and make love," and you answer, "Pick one, I can't do both!"

"OLD" IS WHEN.. Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot.

"OLD" IS WHEN. A sexy babe catches your eye and your pacemaker opens the garage door.

"OLD" IS WHEN.... Going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face.

"OLD" IS WHEN..... You don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along.

"OLD" IS WHEN..... You are cautioned to slow down by... The doctor instead of by the police.

"OLD" IS WHEN.... "Getting a little action" means I don't need to take any fiber today.

"OLD" IS WHEN..... "Getting lucky" means you find your car in the parking lot.

"OLD" IS WHEN..... An "all-nighter" means not getting up to pee.