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05/06/18 10:48 AM

#42573 RE: 1maga1 #42571

They will need to cover their losses bud. 7 ptab wins and a marksman is no joke. They MUST pay up or buyout.... question is when and for how much ....
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05/06/18 11:36 AM

#42585 RE: 1maga1 #42571

Some are speculating off of this

Re: TonyJoe1957 Post# 42512
Love this from Seeking Alpha IOIP:
SPORTYNORTY has started buying his initial positions in UOIP. From what I have discerned, CISCO is interested in covering their proverbial ass in the screw up of selling the technology company, prior to patent procurement. This has placed Cisco and all of the companies who have subsequently licensed this technology, infringing upon the patents granted to UOIP for a substantial and increasingly utilized array of time. The monetary damages potentially associated with this arbitration and legal case are staggering at a minimum, and potentially enriching to the tenth degree. I have read all of the appeals, legal briefs and court actions as well as rulings and upholds by the USPTO. Suffice as to say that I fervently believe that UOIP is in the driver's seat related to these legal wranglings and will be the prevailing party when all is said and done. The aforementioned being stipulated, it is my belief that CISCO will buy UOIP out at a substantial premium to avoid public embarrassment and counter suits by losing customers who will sue Cisco for misfeasance. Many of you are not familiar with the terminology in my legal diatribe outlined here, but that is irrelevant, as I am extremely well versed in the law, and particularly patent law. I estimate that Cisco will in an attempt to outlast UOIP and their legal budget, to file many moons of dismissal, motions of cause and other such legal maneuverings in an attempt to bring UOIP to the bargaining table in a weaker state. If I were advising UOIP, which I am not, I would tell them to remain resolute in their conviction, as their case is literally a slam dunk. As to the premium Cisco will ultimately pay, I would say an outright purchase of the company would have to be in excess of .50 cents. More likely. Cisco will purchase a pre-determined amount of shares, with continuing royalties to UOIP and its' share holders which would subdue immediate value for longer term gain. Under the latter scenario UOIP could encroach dollars in value. In the shorter term the price under the latter scenario would likely hit the .25 area.

In anyway you slice it, UOIP is poised for success. I am buying shares every day and kicking myself in the proverbial derrier that I did not buy 10 million shares sub .006, when I first learned of this equity. Nonetheless, I have the means and financial discipline to accumulate on any weakness and intestinal fortitude to await the inevitable. I rarely recommend buying stocks, as everyone has different needs and goals as to the immediacy of their return on investment, (ROI). All I can say is that to buy with available funds with a time horizon of 3-6 months will see EXTRAORDINARY gains.
Yeah that was a good one. Nothing
Gm1850 on 5/5/2018 5:53:42 PM
What's even more incredible to me is that
jcoxs on 5/5/2018 8:25:46 PM
Great read!!! We will know if Cisco
Nicasurf on 5/6/2018 2:35:59 AM

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