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05/03/18 1:36 PM

#18687 RE: xZx #18685

NO RS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


05/03/18 1:39 PM

#18690 RE: xZx #18685

NO R/S is happening....

They stated their game plan. They wouldn't just R/S all the brokerage network shareholders LOL...

They are working to provide solutions that are viable and provide great returns for all.... Investment banking firm is a huge positive.

We already know some huge irons are in the fire that soon will be released.

As far as shorty. Heck who knows why he always is shorting. I have seen him sort right up the MASSIVE NEWS AND WAS LEFT CHASING bigtime.

Ink hasn't even dried on the PR and filing yet.

We have some folks selling, probably chasing something. Bet on it.


05/03/18 2:26 PM

#18730 RE: xZx #18685

I guess you missed this part of today's PR:

The restructuring advisory group has made DSG Global an introduction to a quality investment banking firm. The company expects to execute an agreement with this new investment banker later this month that provides access to long-term quality operational capital and acquisition funding so DSG has the ability to acquire companies that compliment and financially support our growth.

No need at all to issue shares to new partners.


05/03/18 2:52 PM

#18740 RE: xZx #18685

Yes, and could also refer to the settling of old debt as well, could it not, to provide a stronger baseline for the new direction the company is now headed.
Stronger company, stronger management == success!!!



05/03/18 3:20 PM

#18755 RE: xZx #18685

I’m leaning towards the brokerage network converting to preferred and the common shares being retired, essentially reducing the OS, let’s see how it plays. Added 1 million today.


05/03/18 4:56 PM

#18779 RE: xZx #18685


The restructuring advisory group has made DSG Global an introduction to a quality investment banking firm. The company expects to execute an agreement with this new investment banker later this month that provides access to long-term quality operational capital and acquisition funding so DSG has the ability to acquire companies that compliment and financially support our growth.

contradicts your comment: do an acquisition, or a series of them, they need to issue equity to the new partners.

sure, they could do it all with preferred shares...

The company plans to do acquisitions via long-term non-toxic loans, not by issuing shares, preferred or otherwise.