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05/03/18 10:46 AM

#96430 RE: LongFutureShot #96415

Cheeses. Only because you can't provide anything more than "Wholly owned subsidiary" which proves absolutely nothing. Everyone already knows that.

Is PixelMags a private company that can be spun off and IPO'd or is it already a publice company. If the latter then where is the company verbiage stating that PixelMags is a public company and trading under the symbol SPCL.

LOL, When all else fails, RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!!! ROTFLMAO

My original statement was in response to PixelMags adding news magazines.

I stated and stand by the fact that it does not matter one iota what PixelMags does if the revenue is not reflected in the SPCL share price.

So PixelMags is making money seems to be generally accepted here.
Riddle me this then. Where is the revenue going and to who? Certainly not SPCL shareholders