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05/03/18 8:02 AM

#42121 RE: zombywolf #42103

they are attaching that...

Upon information and belief, Comcast has been and is currently directly
infringing, literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, one or more claims of the ’822 Patent by
making, using, testing, offering to sell, and/or selling within the United States, and/or importing
into the United States, without authority, cable systems and cable services that are covered by at
least one claim of the ’822 Patent. The accused cable systems include cable system components
such as cable modem termination systems, RF transmission hardware, network monitoring
equipment and customer premises equipment (e.g., cable modems, embedded multimedia
terminal adapters, and set-top boxes), including but not limited to components that are compliant
with the Data Over Cable System Interface Specification (“DOCSIS”) standard, version 3.0 or
higher.1 More particularly, Comcast, without authority from Plaintiff, provides, operates,
implements, sells, markets, imports and/or offers for sale cable systems and/or cable services that
perform, are capable of performing or are provided having channel bonding functionality,
including but not limited to cable systems and components that have the capability to distribute a
service flow over multiple, bonded channels and/or the capability to receive a service flow over
multiple, bonded channels
(the “Accused Functionality”). Comcast’s cable systems and
components that perform or are capable of performing the Accused Functionality, and/or the use
of such cable systems and components, infringe one or more claims of the ’822 Patent under 35
U.S.C. § 271.