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05/02/18 1:00 PM

#60285 RE: buysellrepeat #60283

Who knows because they having some free trials also. Confidence

was CUIN2

05/02/18 1:22 PM

#60305 RE: buysellrepeat #60283

I think they did reach 20,000 subscribers (and it’s personally my opinion).

In one recent tweet from the Oracle/Netsuite Suite World conference, they were at the nFusz after hour cocktail party and someone took a photo of a group of people and the caption said “take a look at our nFusz Hawaiian shirts.”

Rory has reasons for not wanting to release subscribers/revenues now and I 110% trust his good judgement. Hell - the man built a $216,000,000 company that disrupted the entire telecommunications industry and sold it in just 6 years! It resold for $1.9 BILLION a few years later.

Rory has the temperament, analytical skills and successful experience/background to knock this one out of the park. Anyone who doesn’t see that, won’t participate in the good fortune that is nFusz. If becoming wealthy was easy, everyone would be. But, it’s not easy, it’s takes resolve/grit.

Look into the terms Blue Ocean Strategy and Normalcy Bias...