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05/02/18 12:06 PM

#148617 RE: gorgol #148613

Gorgol, best wishes to you. I don’t know what you are going through, but can imagine how it feels. I’m taking care of my brother who is this week taking chemo for cancer and have seen how his views on life change. He is a surgeon, does well, has young kids and always worked hard. Now his values have changed.
But know one thing, even if it’s cancer there are miracle cures out there. You will be fine, find a great doctor and be with us for a long time. Key to everything is being positive, always look at the positive, not the negatives. My brother, even with a bag attached goes for walks every day through Central Park (NY) and enjoys the views, and stays positive.
You will do great!! I know you will!!!


05/02/18 12:10 PM

#148619 RE: gorgol #148613

God speed Gorgol. Hope it's not cancer and that you regain full health.


05/02/18 12:18 PM

#148622 RE: gorgol #148613

Not sure what to say but it hit me and my heart goes out to you....we have a few more weeks here before we get news on the iPhone se2....good luck:)


05/02/18 12:21 PM

#148624 RE: gorgol #148613

All the best Gorgol. I always enjoy readying your posts, but am saddened by today’s post.

I hope to read more posts and really look forward to your reaction on that day when this stock goes insane.


05/02/18 12:52 PM

#148626 RE: gorgol #148613

Ooof! Keep us posted!


05/02/18 1:07 PM

#148627 RE: gorgol #148613

Hang in there Gorgol. Just find some joy in every day. Very sorry to hear this news. Don’t worry about the roof unless it’s leaking! Hold those shares!


05/02/18 2:42 PM

#148634 RE: gorgol #148613

gorgol buddy I will pray for you.
Was in hospital yesterday having biopsy taken of lesions on my esophagus yesterday and was in the er 2 weeks ago after having a TIA (mini stroke)

Life is short... take nothing for granted. For those who say they are willing to wait 10 years I say, "I pray you have that much time and more"


05/02/18 4:03 PM

#148641 RE: gorgol #148613

Hope that the disease is either mild or non-existent. I went though similar stuff 8 years ago with my heart. Had an operation that lasted 8 hours and a four month recovery period that they said bought me a few more years.

You have your priorities straight so just have some fun with our investment and live each day as it comes. As you know, you can't get none of them back.

Good luck with what counts.


05/02/18 4:35 PM

#148643 RE: gorgol #148613

Gorgol, my wife and I will be praying for you. Just from reading some of your posts, you have a very interesting life. Hope you get better news from the pathologists.


05/02/18 5:00 PM

#148644 RE: gorgol #148613

It will be nothing... We all love you our dear friend.

God Speed!


05/02/18 10:16 PM

#148657 RE: gorgol #148613

Gorgol, please keep us posted on your health. You are my favorite part of this message board and I’ll be sending lots of positive energy your way. It sounds like your mind is in a very good, peaceful place and that can sometimes be the best medicine.

Wishing you all the best,


05/03/18 1:20 AM

#148667 RE: gorgol #148613

Gorgol, I am sorry to read of your medical circumstances. None of us are promised tomorrow, but I know from reading your posts that you are a good soul and you've made it through hard times before.

Keep your days busy and write about those miracles. Keep positive while you wait for the next miracle. Find the right doctors and the best treatments, and be glad you can afford them.

Losing your mom was painful I know. I've lost so many who were so important in my life. It happens if you are lucky enough to live a long life. It changes you; but you deal with it, and you keep on living.

If you've found someone to "leave it to," you are indeed fortunate.

You are in my prayers.


05/03/18 11:38 AM

#148677 RE: gorgol #148613


Your condition brings a pause for all and perspective to the craziness here. I pray for strength for you and a good outcome.


05/03/18 12:06 PM

#148680 RE: gorgol #148613

Best of Luck Buddy! I hope things arent as bad as them seem!