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04/29/18 11:33 AM

#279107 RE: mr40 #279092

How does official Washington, which clearly does not want to be drained, think the 63 million people who voted for Trump will feel about an investigation run by D.C. insiders with a history of grandstanding – an investigation that some Democrats and commentators are saying aloud they hope will end in impeachment?

And impeachment? What? How about criminal indictments?

How do they feel about the Trump campaign conspiring with the Kremlin to subvert a constitutional election? They don't care, because the Kremlin was on their side.. So was David Duke, and Richard Spencer... and you.

Sorry about your feelings snowflake. Sorry that your piece of crap, mango-colored, Mussolini wannabe god emperor ain't fit to preside over the country I served... that my father and grandfather and uncles and cousins served. He's a criminal and a traitor and he needs to go.

Feel free to vote. Hell, feel free to start shooting if you must.

Sorry if you don't get what you want. Just be happy you don't get what you deserve.

In the city their bodies were delivered to the Piazzale Loreto, the scene of a mass execution of partisans the year before. The corpses were beaten and urinated upon and finally left to hang upside down, for public display, from a rusty beam outside a petrol station. Petacci had not been wearing knickers and a group of old women rearranged her skirt to preserve her modesty. People surged around, desperate to get a look, to laugh and spit upon them, wanting to make sure that it was true: Mussolini, fascist dictator of Italy for 23 years, was truly dead and Italy could live again.

Two days later, Hitler was also dead.
