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04/29/18 8:37 PM

#279139 RE: sortagreen #279107

How do they feel about the Trump campaign conspiring with the Kremlin to subvert a constitutional election?

Mueller is still searching for a crime!

The House Intelligence Committee has cleared Trump of any collusion with the Russians to influence the 2016 election and Mueller has not produced any evidence of any Trump/Russian collusion.

The article showed Mueller's failures, but the FBI did ruin the lives of TWO Senators with false information - Ted Stevens and Curt Weldon. We all know the FBI and prosecutors withheld evidence that could have cleared Stevens.

The FBI and Justice Department's investigations were triggered by a 2004 article in the Los Angeles Times reporting on Weldon and his daughter's links to the Russians and Serbians.

On October 16, 2006, FBI agents raided the home of Weldon's daughter as well as five other locations of Weldon associates in Pennsylvania and Florida as part of the investigation. According to an article in the October 17, 2006, edition of The New York Times, "investigators are trying to determine whether Mr. Weldon misused his official position to help his daughter’s company obtain lobbying contracts from foreign clients and helped steer contracts to favored firms."

NOTE: Mueller is searching for a crime!

On October 16, 2006 Weldon acknowledged he was under investigation. Before Weldon's public confirmation, an unnamed federal law enforcement official mentioned in press accounts said that Weldon had not yet been told about the inquiry.

A grand jury was impaneled as part of the investigation. Evidence reportedly had been obtained through wiretaps of Washington area cellphones. On October 19, 2006, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Weldon has in his possession a letter from the House Ethics Committee that he claims "closed the case" about whether he used his influence to help his daughter. Weldon said he has not decided whether or not to release the letter.
Although emails from the Weldon campaign quoted by the Inquirer claim the Ethics panel "closed the case in 2004", the article reveals the matter was not dismissed until September 29, 2006. The Ethics Committee action is not binding on the Department of Justice investigation.

On December 22, 2006, the LA Times reported that a federal grand jury had subpoenaed Weldon's congressional records prior to the November elections.
Because a member must notify House leadership promptly if they receive subpoenas while the House is in session to be entered into the Congressional Record, Weldon may have violated House rules depending on when he received the subpoenas.

On July 17, 2007, The Washington Post reported that, as of Spring 2007, federal investigators were continuing to examine Weldon's official actions taken on behalf of his daughter's lobbying clients. The same article noted that Weldon had spent at least $30,000 in legal fees and related investigatory expenses as a result of the probe.

Weldon was never charged in the incident, however the USA Today claimed in 2008 that the incident had cost him his re-election.

You have proof? Mueller and his rigged team have failed to find any evidence of Russian collusion with Trump and his team. They exposed the Russian troll factory but found no Trump connections there. In fact the Russian trolls started operating FOUR years prior to the election - before Trump had even announced his run.

Comey and McCabe were fired for lying and leaking and now they are accusing each other of lying!
Lisa and Peter were removed and their "missing" texts were suddenly sent to Congress. They ranted against the president in the more than 50,000 texts they exchanged with each other.

Originally thought to be "missing:, the Justice Department’s Inspector General was able to recover them earlier this year.
(No wonder the investigation is taking so long as agents text instead of working.) Strzok now works in the human resources department.

Bruce Ohr, former associate deputy attorney general was demoted for hiding his contacts with the opposition research firm responsible for the anti-Trump “dossier”, his meeting with Christopher Steele and failing to inform FBI his wife was working on the dossier at Fusion GPS.

That's FIVE FBI agents who are now under investigation.

Michael Flynn is now considering withdrawing his guilty plea based on recent disclosures.

James Comey testified that the agents who conducted the interview of Flynn did not think he had lied to them.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan recently gave order to Release all Material Evidence, whether for or against Michael Flynn. This overrides Mueller or anyone else from Withholding Information even if they think it's immaterial.

13 of the 17 members of his team have previously registered as Democrats, and nine have made donations to Democrats.