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04/28/18 4:38 PM

#57805 RE: nodummy #57798

He welcomed Debate and opinions but not statements that are fictitious and already proven otherwise
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04/28/18 4:38 PM

#57806 RE: nodummy #57798

This is actually a good post describing the general overview of penny stocks and the perception of short term traders vs long investors such as myself. The CEO has always said that anyone looking to invest in FUSZ should always do their due diligence before investing hence the difference in opinions from the day traders who look at charts and the investors who consider fair valuations.

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04/28/18 4:42 PM

#57808 RE: nodummy #57798

I do value your opinion and thank you for posting it here
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04/28/18 4:45 PM

#57812 RE: nodummy #57798

Your points are reasonable. You are right, until revenues happen, it’s all hype and speculation. Isn’t that what stock price directions are often driven by? Apple may be most valuable now but if they announced that all iPhones would be rotary dial, the stock would plummet within a minute just based on that negative hype.
I think there is significant promise here but of course, not everyone agrees. Nor does everyone have to.
Criticism is acceptable of course, it should be. I guess there is a fine line between criticism or even questioning versus overt “bashing”. Unfortunately, that line is not clearly defined most of the time and it’s often moving too. Criticism/questioning is part of due diligence, “bashing” is just wrong in my opinion partly because it can cause some investors to make decisions based on fear rather than their unbiased judgement. I think Rory was going after just the latter but of course, his actions are not unanimously accepted despite the intent.
Although you and I differ in opinion on some of Rory’s actions and level of focus, I bet if we went through a checklist of desired CEO qualities, our lists would match up pretty well.
I agree that there are MULTIPLE factors involved in FUSZ price rise and decline. Your analysis makes sense to me. I am hoping this works out ultimately based on projected revenue anchored by partnerships with Oracle and Marketo. If if falters, contrary to my expectations but not impossible, then too bad for me and a lot of us. But that’s what investing is.
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04/28/18 5:46 PM

#57851 RE: nodummy #57798

Look.... I've scrutinized everything you've proffered here recently alleging 'Fraud' regarding Nfusz, and will again respond to specific items in this post. Before I do, I'm coachable and will be the first to change my mind regarding FUSZ but convince me with facts, that's a fair request. Now for your post....

If it wasn't for the CEOs last video threatening critics of the company I wouldn't have even looked at FUSZ.

The video wasn't directed at critics. It was specifically made for the shareholders co-owners, to inform them that our CEO was aware of the short attack, clearly evidenced, and taking a proactive stance to address this, also retaining Joe Davis Esq. an Attorney like himself. Nfusz has many critics... heck I was very critical last Fall of the CEO myself, hastily, uninformed and impatient. Rory had no problem with me, and when I became aware of certain things I openly apologized on this forum. But Rory knew, I didn't know everything. Rory is very 'hot' about what's going on AND dealing with it, he's the largest shareholder with the most skin in the game.

The FUSZ CEO would be better off just shutting up and running his company. The only way to prove the doubters wrong is to follow through on everything you promised.

Our CEO is taking an active role in ALL aspects of this business, to include fiduciary responsibility to shareholders, defending their interests. I appreciate a CEO who says 'don't underestimate his resolve' AND does. Shutting up? Rory can talk all he wants as far as I'm concerned.... because he's also doing an admirable job running the company as well. Half a dozen deals in four months, two with multibillion dollar corporations and MORE coming.

Maybe FUSZ will develop something great in the future

Kinda thought they had... the World's First Interactive Video-Based CRM, that helps you sell. Complete with walkout technology, AI, and more. I mean.... Oracle and Marketo, both multibillion dollar corporations seem to think so anyway.

Yes the FUSZ share price was much lower when most of that financing was set-up, but to think that people holding stock that cost them between $.07 - $.14 are not going to be selling some stock at these elevated prices is naive.

Well beauty..... err.... value, is in the eye of the beholder. As I said before of the float there's a large number of shareholders with well over a million shares and even more with 6 figures. But then look at the CEO, Insiders and Restricted private investors who own over 63% of the OS. Rory has openly stated they're not selling anywhere near these levels. Heck he even converted 2 years of accrued salary to shares at 1.43. The BIGGER payday is coming.

Most of the rest of your post is opinion based, everyone has opinions. I have mine but try to give validity to opinions when I put them out there for all to read.

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04/28/18 6:51 PM

#57862 RE: nodummy #57798

Hi nodummy. You make some very valid points about how shorts are attracted to a stock with a major upward spike. A stock with an RSI in the 90s is likely at a peak, short term. If you listen again to Mr. Cutaia's SHAC presentation addressing shorting, he said he had no problem with legitimate shorting, but intended to address potentially illegal naked shorting. Who knows if that could ever be a successful endeavor. He points out that naked shorting is generally allowed for specific situations, however to use it as a tool to manipulate the price downward, doesn't help the company, the shorts or the longs. I personally see it as sabotaging the idea that markets and investors are smart, if left to trade on a fair playing ground. if you listen again you will see he is quite thoughtful, and running his company on all cylinders.