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04/29/18 8:05 PM

#336 RE: budgetthis #335

thx I thought this would be over 30 earlier this year, but now is the time IMO. Hoping for mid 20s in May....and maybe some luck to approach 30..


04/30/18 1:16 PM

#337 RE: budgetthis #335

insanity here, $16.57 book value here with market only giving $2.00 in value today in forward looking business when EBITA is $25M in 2018 (likely to be more as the Medicare constraints are too high due to commission expansion in Medicare). Have to figure a minimum of $15.00 in value on $1.25 EBITA PER SHARE, so $31+ here at present, but that is even way too low as EBITA is going up at 20% CAGR.

Guess is verification is $30M EBITA 2018 and $40M 2019


05/21/18 12:12 PM

#342 RE: budgetthis #335

Big Medicare commission raise next week is very likely always announced around June 1. 3% raise would add about $4M to the bottom line of 2018, and of course if raises keep coming a lot more than that....


05/30/18 3:07 PM

#345 RE: budgetthis #335

record commission increase news 5.8% on Medicare Advantage, adds $5M to 2018 EBITA which is now $30M. However, EHTH has a constraint applied to is Medicare Advantage of 7%, which is ridiculous. So its more like $35M EBITA 2018...