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04/26/18 7:48 PM

#128151 RE: damain22 #128096

Great idea and email damain!!! Reposting:

"just sent this email to-->

To whom it may concern,

I look through the kickstarter board quite frequently to see which games are the most popular and to see which ones have the most backers so that I can see if you guys are involved with them! And I am pleasantly surprised most times because of the pride and prestige associated with the brand.

Recently looking around I came across this campaign which started just yesterday

because you guys are titans of the industry im sure you are already aware of this but I just wanted to let you know on the of chance that it was a title that snakes wanted to go after for distribution (because of the large number of backers already (8000)). Why I really felt the need to send this email was because of what the shipping section said for Canada-->
Canada: £22 (we are currently trying to source a Canadian shipping hub and will keep backers updated)
Sounds like easy money boys! ha happy hunting
Ever your loyal shareholder,

Hope they pick up the title! 8000 backers and almost a million dollars in one day is nothing to sniff at haha"