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07/01/18 1:42 PM

#52571 RE: TheHappyVulcan #52570

TheHappyVulcan Wednesday, 08/29/12 12:28:12 PM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 52570
Shiva Prakash is NOT a con man.
He is NOT a fraud.
He is NOT a crook.
He is not using Tivus as his own personal ATM with unlimited funds.
Tivus is NOT a ponzi scheme
Tivus is a NOT a shell game.

For those of you who have an emotional need to comment to the contrary on a regular basis, of course you have the right to do as much. Most of us attribute this behavior to your frustration and we do our best to keep quiet and to let you have your way. (Resistance is futile.)
I would ask that you clarify something for those of us who disagree with you. Since it is now well established that SP is running an honest company which is producing results...what effect do you feel your constant baseless bashing will do for any potential investors coming by to check out Tivus? (I say "baseless" because as of right now, that is precisely what it is and has always been. )
Can we expect that unless you are 100% satisfied that everything is going to your liking that you will continue to assert that SP is a crook along with his crooked little company?

Just venting.

Vulcans vent. It is usually a gaseous emission not unlike some posters on this board, but usually we don't waste verbage on it. Today, though, my need to cyber-fart is greater than usual. Forgive me.

Spock....with intestinal urgency.