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04/25/18 8:22 AM

#148226 RE: gorgol #148225

Good point but the 2 piece dental device that is bio-compatible is a big deal.

A real bio-compatible product with a 2 piece housing ( I'm assuming the 2 pieces are the housing). Seems like that should show up on their facebook page at least. Should also be sprayed all over industry magazines, web sites, etc. Where is the PR blitz?


04/25/18 8:26 AM

#148227 RE: gorgol #148225

Sorry, but a good marketing person could promote the news on the guitar pins into something quite fantastic along the lines of "astounding improvement in acoustic properties" and "possible further applications for the billion dollar head/earphone industry". It doesn't take much, just somebody that is excited about their work.

Prof. Li is a brilliant manufacturer, for certain, but marketing and communications is apparently a low or no priority. I hope he gets a clue on that part soon as a little effort from a real marketing expert will build his business and investment as well as ours.