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04/24/18 5:00 AM

#278933 RE: fuagf #278932

SPECIAL - Part 191, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These from a post Monday,
04/23/18, covering March 24, 2018, and headed, [no, umm, 'presidential' Weakly Address on March 24, 2018]

A Russia-free zone so one on people just as treacherous.

How the NRA hijacks gun control debates

Published on Mar 24, 2018 by Vox [ / , ]

Why is the NRA -- a group that represents the interests of gun manufacturers -- taken seriously in debates about reducing gun violence?

After the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, news networks are once again focused on the debate over gun control. These debates often pit gun control
activists against the National Rifle Association (NRA), which claims to speak on behalf of gun owners. But in reality, the NRA represents the interest of gun manufacturers.

The group gets millions of dollars in donations from gun companies every year, and millions more through the sale of ad space in NRA publications. That financial
allegiance means the NRA is similar to organizations like the Tobacco Institute -- an industry lobbying group primarily interested in protecting their product.

So why do news networks keep inviting them to debate gun violence? [with (nearly 13,000) comments]

To "stashed March 24, 2018"

[a must read] John Bolton wants regime change in Iran, and so does the cult that paid him - the Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK)


Andrew McCabe: Not in my worst nightmares did I dream my FBI career would end this way
By Andrew McCabe

Andrew McCabe speaks out in op-ed after firing


Stormy Daniels, Trump’s Unlikely Foe, Is ‘Not Someone to Be Underestimated’


Neil Young Doesn’t Mince Words About ‘Mess’ Donald Trump
“He doesn’t have the balls to look anybody in the face and tell them anything.”

John Bolton’s Anti-Muslim Hate
Trump’s new pick for national security adviser is close with some of the most unhinged anti-Muslim groups in America.

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07/24/18 7:11 AM

#284979 RE: fuagf #278932

Trump Just Provided More Evidence That He Thinks The F-35 Is Actually Invisible

" Part 190, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These from a post Sunday, 04/22/18, covering March 23,
2018, and headed, Trump’s Most Alarming Foreign Policy Move Yet? Warmonger John Bolton Named National Security Adviser

This first article is the setting up start. Note the bold bits.

For some reason POTUS loves to talk F-35 with Coasties.

By Tyler Rogoway November 24, 2017

On Thanksgiving Day, Commander In Chief Donald Trump visited U.S. Coast Guard Lake Worth Inlet Station located nearby his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach where he is vacationing .. . While there, Trump made a series of meandering remarks, which included touting his administration's accomplishments and thanking the Coast Guard members for their hard work. At one point his speech strayed into a familiar but chronically erroneous subject matter for the President—the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

The President has a long and inconsistent relationship .. .. with the F-35 program, which we have documented in detail. He went from being a vocal critic of the program .. .. to being one of its biggest cheerleaders, having proclaiming that he alone "fixed it" after negotiating down its price—a claim that is dubious at best .. . More recently, the President strayed into the F-35 realm when talking about relief efforts with Puerto Rican officials while visiting the storm ravaged island, and just as in this latest instance, for some reason he brought the program up while addressing the U.S. Coast Guard, stating .. :

"Amazing job, and amazing job. So amazing that we're ordering hundreds of millions of dollars of new airplanes for the Air Force, especially the F-35. Do you like the F-35? I said how does it do it in fights, and how do they do in fights with the F-35. He says we do very well, you can't see it. Literally you can't see. It's hard to fight a plane you can't see right? But that's an expensive plane you can't see. And as you probably heard we cut the price very substantially, something other administrations would never have done, that I can tell you."

The statement was puzzling, not just because it was astonishingly off topic and inappropriate considering the setting and audience, but it doubled down on previous comments that alluded to the possibility that Trump has a very poor understanding of the aircraft's capabilities, and may even think the aircraft is actually invisible, not just low observable in terms of its radar return and low-probability of intercept electronic emissions. But what he told the Coasties in Florida on Thursday seems to further underscore the possibility that he does indeed think the controversial jet is invisible:

"With the Air Force we're ordering a lot of planes, in particular the F-35 fighter jet, which is almost you know like an invisible fighter. I was asking the Air Force guys how good is this plane, and they said 'well sir you can't see it,' I said yeah but in a fight, you know a fight, like I watch on the movies, the fight, they're fighting, how good is it? 'Well it wins every time because the enemy cannot see it, even if it's right next to it, it can't see it.' I said that helps, that's a good thing.


Ok, that was Nov. last year. Now to today, this one h/t, chuckle, NYBob.

BREAKING: President Donald Trump URGENT Speech at the White House - July 23, 2018

Trump TV Network
Published on Jul 23, 2018

WATCH: President Donald Trump delivers remarks at Made in America product showcase - July 23, 2018 - President Trump Speech at the White House - Trump's Iran tweet - President Trump Press Conference

Chuckle, after America's most infamous hustler-president spruiks his new - Make Our Farmers Great Again - hat (it's green this time, maybe that was Trump's anti-environment EPA head Scott Pruitt's idea), and made-in-America, "the greatest products in the world", of course, Trump waffles to snowboards from Colorado, cowboy boots from Texas, and baseball bats from Pennsylvania, and boats, cars and spaceships. Nothing wrong there, he's just doing his job. Then guess what! Wait for it! Yup, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, which he says today a pilot just told him, (in comparison to planes the enemy has) "the difference is when we fight they can't see our plane... ". LOL, i wonder if a pilot really just told him that in July 2018, seeing he said he was told the same thing in November 2017. Only he, and maybe a pilot knows. That's all inside the first 3 min.

Some things just never change.

Posted specifically to the sixth down

Donald Trump's invisible plane

All In with Chris Hayes

As he touted defense spending in the $1.3 trillion budget bill, President Trump described the impressive
capabilities of the F-35 stealth fighter jet. But Trump didn't mean you literally cannot see it...right?
©2018 , [with comments]

Add: Some one should tell Trump, and it seems others, of this

The end of stealth? New Chinese radar capable of detecting ‘invisible’ targets 100km away
Stephen Chen | South China Morning Post
Published 9:54 PM ET Wed, 21 Sept 2016