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Patient shareholder

04/21/18 12:38 AM

#46474 RE: wikked #46473

Patience is a friend. Rome wasn't built in a day. It appears that Steve Smith knows that while working to build an EEGI Empire...

Steve does not pump EEGI... Great quality in a noble CEO that is obviously doing much behind the scenes, and releasing information when completed. Almost no CEO does that down here.

Go EEGI/Steve Smith!!!

$$$ Will come to the patient. $$$

Patient shareholder

04/21/18 12:42 AM

#46475 RE: wikked #46473

No one should be unhappy with their choice to be in EEGI, and if there is no happiness with the CEO or stock ticker EEGI; the it would be more healthy to move on to another more suitable happy stock and CEO. Happiness is everything and we must change the things we can change when unhappy.

EEGI - May not be for everyone as patience is a must.


04/21/18 7:34 AM

#46478 RE: wikked #46473

I don’t care if you’re enjoying it or not, not relevant at all to me. Read the filings and you’ll know everything about EEGI share structure etc.
