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04/20/18 12:41 PM

#48141 RE: trader53 #48137

Exactly. First half. June 2018. Patience is needed here. CEO is going to do everything he has said and will make us all wealthy.

Go ADTM$$$$$


04/20/18 2:04 PM

#48147 RE: trader53 #48137

No movement here, no projections met. Maybe over-rating this one.


04/22/18 7:59 AM

#48236 RE: trader53 #48137

T-53 That PR was almost 4 months ago, The "First half" of 2018 is closing fast. It appears that things are progressing a little slower than anticipated perhaps. We have no idea weather LAM is finished, Where they stand with their IR personnel, or a time frame of their ticker change. I know The "wizard" of Oz is behind the curtain pulling the strings and levers, however no one knows exactly whats going on behind the curtains! We were promised a IR person weeks ago, no dice. Patience is key! If you have a good imagination and a strong gut, This is for you!

It will be a great day when we
A:Know the status of LAM
B:Know a time frame
C:Know the investment amount into PlutusX
D:Know we have a DEPENDABLE IR Team, That will keep us updated on "EVERY STEP"
E:Proof we have reached "Positive Cash Flow"

Until 1 or more of these happen.......ITS HODL! Buy on Fear, Sell on Cheer! This slot machine is cold, but just like every slot'll hit sooner or later, just a matter of when and if you got enough money to feed it till it does! GLTA! **ADTM**