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04/19/18 10:09 PM

#11620 RE: Monksdream #11619

I agree. I am certain that herbicides are absolutely horrible for it. A nursery I worked at for years used round up, and 24d-lv4 for spraying weeds growing in the drip areas and paths and roadways around the property. The woman who I was hired to replace had been out for over two months with severe "irritable bowl syndrome". I refused to spray the chemicals and got them to use Burnout II and Avenger instead, she eventually returned to work and insisted on using the round up until I explained how horrible it is. She never wore a respirator and a short while later was sick again. She eventually listened to me after about a year and her stomach issues went away and have stayed away. Seeing as how it's in so much of our food these days it's no wonder so many have gastrointestinal problems. The digestive system is quite phenomenal, the amount of receptors in it for various plant based chemicals alone is amazing to me. I agree not enough is known or understood about it.