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Imperial Whazoo

10/14/06 12:49 AM

#18179 RE: tommycjr #18178

Oh... well, whoever she is, she shouldn't have been so assailed for the horrid crime of feeling like she had made an investment mistake and needed to warn others. Anyway, thats what I think.

I'm an active participant of the Spooz board and on the IHDR board. Those folks are simply nicer to each other. I had a PM sent to me today on an issue I'd raised on the BIGN board and the person sending it suggested I visit another board for an answer to my question, which I did. To my surprise, there are a lot of posters on it who quit posting on the BIGN board because of all the bullies. They turned out to be some of the stronger former participants. Once I read their names and researched their past posts, I remembered them. Isn't it sad that the bullies have succeded in damaging this board by driving the most experienced hands to friendlier boards?

I firmly believe there is no reason for everybody to tolerate the viciousness that is so swift to raise its ugly head on this board. I also see nothing wrong with fighting fire with fire. Don't attack but defend you posts if you think you need to do so. There's nothing wrong with that. Teddy Roosevelt said to walk softly but carry a big stick. Thats not bad advise on this board where there are a few really bad actors. If you are not going to stand up and defend the credibility of what you thought was worth posting, nobody else will.

Since I daily contribute to and benefit from the Spooz and the IHDR boards, I kind of have first hand impresions on how a healthy bunch of opinionated adults can agree and disagree but still help each other become a better informed investment community about a particular stock. There is no reason why this should not be the case here on the BIGN board. Since its my money thats on the line, I have a reason to fight for what is right on this board. I want people to generate ideas and toss them out there to be commented on rather than attacked. As it stands today, the bullies attack anyone that dares to be a good trooper. This board is like a playground where bullies run off the decent folk.

Tyler probably should have waited for me to reply to her but she kind of paniced. She had PMed me with her post and the truth is, I was just beginning to look into it when she paniced. If she had waited till today or or later this weekend when I could have realy dug into it, she wouldn't have been the target of the bullies. I wasn't about to simply act on her info. Given its nature, I was going to try to retrace her steps, but that would have taken time. And she needs to be realistic. too... just becaiuse somebody posts me with a bunch of stuff doesn't mean I'm going to jump like a scalded cat. I'm methodical and I am not spooked by something like this. So, she just made a blunder or two and the proof will be in the pudding, which has yet to bake... if she's right, she made the right decision to bail out and we all did not. If BIGN doesn't crater, then she made a mistake. The oven is still on and the pudding isn't baked yet. Time will tell.

Anyway, thanks. I'm going to continue to post my DD, such as it is, when I think I've got something to lay out there that might help somebody else. I, like everybody else, am trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle in a half dark room because BIGN is anything but transparent. It continues to amaze me how dense the underbrush is... if people would just realize that the collective set of minds feeling free to put ideas on the table without fear of being attacked .... that if they just participated in this process with the civility of adults, the net might be that we all end up with a better idea of the things that everybody is confused and concerned about.

Anyway, I'm doing some more DD on the Royalle Petroleum financing and on whether they are the operators of the wells that are being slotted. I'm pretty convinced that no Royalle properties are amongst those being slotted. So, that means.... well, I'm not ready to draw conclusions yet. And anyway, the bullies are sure to read this post and waste a bunch more of everybody's time acting studiply. So what. Pearls before swine. Who cares.

Since you know tyler, tell her to keep her chin up. The bullies are nothing but cowards. Anyone with anything to say should just say it. We'd have a better board if everybody just ignored the bullies and posted as though their ugliness was nothing more than flatulence.

I'll be posting something this week (if the LOI doesn't intervene) about the successful wells out there in Grimes. Hopefully, the Grimes #3  PR and/or PRs on the LOI will happen next week making it unnecessary for me to spend any time posting my latest DD.

Tell tyler the Grimes wells are real. We're not being lied to. Tyler just kind of paniced, thats all. Anyway, if I get it lined up, I'll post what I've learned (unless we get PRs, that is).

Thanx & GLTY

Imperial Whazoo